Hi all,
I'm trying to disable serial polling on my interface.
I need to do this in VISA but long since realised it's not possible. I need IBCONFIG but this command is not supported with .NET.
I have located what I think is the .NET alternative 'SetConfiguationOption'
NI 488.2 Documentation "Mapping the NI-488.2 .NET API to the NI-488.2 C API" shows 'SetConfiguationOption' mapped to 'IBCONFIG'
The specific reference can be found here:- http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/370628F-01/mstudiowebhelp/html/gpibapimapping/
The documentation also notes that this function is located inside the 'NationalInstruments.NI4882' library and there's my dilema!
I cannot found the 'SetConfiguationOption' method inside the 'NationalInstruments.NI4882' library. Am I missing the plot? or it's located somewhere else?
Any help greatly received :-D