Hello everyone,
I´m trying to communicate my pc to a Instek power supply, the psp 405. Unfortunately it doesn´t use a standard rs232, it is as follows:
Connection diagram
I created my own cable with this specifications, and power on the DTR (pin 4), but since it didnt output 12 V I had to use a external power supply, set the serial settings as it is specified at 2400 baud rate, 8 data bits, etc.
I tried to solve it as they did in this thread: psp 603 serial communication
It has never responded but before the power supply my usb-232 mark it as : —Port is open, but no valid signals detected, But after it , it marks it only as:—port is open
I can also see that is sending the signal.
So all appears to be working but in NI MAX it marks it as (Hex 0xBFFF0072) The resource is valid, but VISA cannot currently access it.
No error appears if I use it in this VI: ni example program I´m using. but nothing happens with any commands, It doesnt read or affect the supply.
Maybe my wiring is incorrect, there´s no enought information so I connect the 12 V towards the supply and united the ground as follows:
I dont know what else to do.
So thank you for any input you may have.