I am running a National Instruments GPIB-USB-HS+ on some software that we use in our lab. All it does is read the voltage/current/power in from a Magtrol 6530 and display it on a VI. In the software what I'm doing is measuring fan air flow and power to get fan air and power curves. So I have an instrument panel on my VI that reads out all of the data and then I click a button to take a point, which records all of the data at that moment in time and saves it to a table/array, then when I have taken all the points that I need I click process and it outputs that table/array to an Excel data sheet template.
The issue I'm having is that it seems like the GPIB or the software has a max limit and I can't figure out why. My Magtrol is reading everything out correctly, but in the software my display will only read in the current and power if the current is under 4.5a - if it is over that then the current and power read 0, even though the Magtrol is reading out the correct values no matter how high they are. The voltage reads out consistently in the software no matter how high any of the power readings are.
Any idea what could be the issue?