Hi, I'm trying to perform a simple current-voltage Hysteresis sweep measurement. I'm programming with LabVIEW, starting off of the example VIs that can be found online. I tried using a series of 'Sweep and Acquire Measurement' VI to make it sweep linearly from 0 to x volts, x to -x volts, and -x to 0 volt. However, there is a delay between each sweep, which I want to avoid and have a continuous sweep across all sets of range.
I decomposed the 'Sweep and Acquire Measurement' VI and went down to SCPI command level, using this command "Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.OURImage may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.WE:LIN." However, if I naively give the command with different starting/stop level in series, only the last command's data gets stored in the buffer. Can someone please help me out how to perform a sequence of linear sweeps without delays in-between?
Lastly, I then tried to use 'Read Multiple' VI, in which I supposedly give a list of voltage levels I want the sourcemeter to sweep across. Generating a list of numbers is certainly doable in LabVIEW, but I just don't understand this VI (attached screenshot). Where do I actually put the list? Is it the "manual range"? Why is it just one number then?
I'd greatly appreciate any help. Thank you in advance!