I am trying to write a Python script to send SPCI commands to a Tektronix TTR506A Vector Network Analyzer. I have reviewed the programmer's manual for the device, as well as installed tekVISA and PyVisa. Using the tekVISA software, I can see that the VISA address for the device is 'GPIB8::1::INSTR', and the manual states that it is a virtual GPIB connection. I am trying to send a *IDN? command just to verify that the connection works, but I can't even seem to figure that out. The code I have so far is:
import visa
rm = visa.ResourceManager()
inst = rm.open_resource('GPIB8::1::INSTR')
After the third line, a few instruments pop up, but not the virtual GPIB. After the fourth line, I get an error saying 'the interface type is valid but the specified interface is not configured'. I am wondering my code is wrong, or if there is an issue with one of the programs installed. I know that these programs are installed, as well as their respective drivers.