I'd like to read buffer with termination char (\r and \n)
My setting is 9600 / 8 / none / 1 / RTS/CTS flow control as my instrument using flow control, (RTS/CTS)
What I want to do is read buffer and compare with string.
I wrote [CB] to instrument and read buffer.
Read buffer indicate "CB" and it's byte is 4. But string "CB" is byte 2.
I want to make while loop when read buffer is "CB" but as it is not same with string "CB", I cannot finish while loop.
From NImax, I found that read buffer was \rCB\n. So, if I can read buffer with \r, \n, \s character, it is possible compare with "\rCB\n" string.
But I cannot figure out how to read with these termination char.
How can I do that?