Hello everyone,
I have buy a PXIe-5413 (1CH) card and inserted in a 9-slot PXIe-1078. I have encountered some problems in handling the card through IVI drivers.
When I configured the device from MAX, I inserted in the Driver Setup String of Driver Session the follow:
"Model: 5413 (1CH); BoardType: PXI; MemorySize: 134217728"
in addition, in the "Virtual Name" tab I set name of the channel in "CHANNEL1" associated at physical channel 0.
I run an application and it try to initialize the PXIe-5413 by IVI driver with channel name “CHANNEL 1”, but I get the follow error: “-1074135008 - Unknown channel or repeated capability name”.
If I change the Driver Setup string in “Model:5413 (1CH);Channels:0;BoardTypeXIe;MemorySize:134217728” and I run the same application with channel name “0”, I don’t get any error and PXIe-5413 work properly.
Is this a correct behavior?