Hello everyone,
I am using a DATAQ DI-145 data acquisition device to obtain values that will correspond to voltage amplitude. I have a working code for such using ActiveX controls, however it is a bit slow and dependent on externally provided software, so I am experimenting with serial communication. I read the (attached) device's protocol, and I installed visa drivers for the instrument to communicate in LV. Reading around, I created this code (attached sniplet), however neither the read nor write options seem to properly work. There is a series of basic commands in the protocol, out of which I also get no response (and occasionally the VISA timeout error). The same happens when I try the VISA test interface in MAX (for some reason i also get more ports than the instruments i have in).
Specifically, I quote from the protocol: '' Responses to this set of commands include echoing the command, followed by a space (0x20),
followed by the response, and ending with a carriage return (0x0d). For example, the command "info 1" generates the following response ''info 1 1450(0x0D)'' . Does this mean I need a carriage return termination character to be enabled on read/write? I fiddled with both timeout (2s,10s) and termination character enable/disable in test panel and not much seems to change when trying to send info\s0 sommands etc.
I'm very new to serial communication so I might be missing something obvious (for example, why are transmit and receive buffers on 0? what does it mean?) or doing something wrong. Would appreciate some guidance.
Finally, since I am trying to avoid using the visa property bytes at port, does me setting a bytes to be read control make me miss any of the continuous stream? And is the empty string and feedback node sufficient to distinguish between different measurements?