I am using the D2XX commands to interface with an FT245R relay board. I can connect, get a handle, get the device details (serial number, etc), get the modem and queue status, etc.
The problem is that I cannot use the FT_'string write' function to change the state of the relays.
UNTIL... I open and close the program provided by FTDI (simple control program for the relays). THEN... it works perfectly.
I don't even have to operate any relays with their program, only use it to open the board one time and then close the program. I only have to do this if the computer has been restarted and can open and close my program as much as I like as long as I don't restart the computer. I have tried all manner of port settings, reset the port, reset the device, tried different time delays, set it to synchronous/asynchronous/bit-bang and everything else that I know. I know that I am connected to the board because I can get the device details but it will not accept my write command until I first use their program to connect to the board. I have read their D2XX programming guide but didn't see any information pertaining to this kind of situation.
Does anyone out there know what command/setting their program contains that would cause this?