Hello guys,
i am currently working on the RFID chafon 6m UHF reader/writer. I have all the documentation related to the reader like the .dll files, functions and demo software for the reader. I am using a serial to USB converter to connect to my PC, i have downloaded the necessary drivers for the converter, launched the reader's software and its working fine. However, i am having trouble communicating with the reader using Labview. I tried using call functions for the .dll files but didn't quite know how to work with it. I then switched to using NI-VISA. In MAX i can see the serial port and says " device working properly" so i went ahead and built a VI that configures the parameters of the reader such as baud rate, stop bit, number of bits, etc.. and i used VISA write vi to send a command such as 0x21 which calls the reader's information then wired that to the VISA read vi with a property node that gets the number of bits between both the write and read VIs and finally converted that to a string, but it returns 0 bits and an empty string.
Is there a way to tell the reader than i want to perform a specific action and read the output?
Thank you,