I'm using a pxi2527 car to control a resistance signal across a 4 wire RTD. In my VI i have set up the topology of the card to a "4 wire 16x1 Mux". If I have reviewed this topology correctly then when software channel 0 is selected to close, then also software channel 16 should close. I am never completeing the close of channel 16. In NIMAX i can view that channel k0 is closing, but k16 does not. Likewise, when i read the resistance across channel 16 i do not receive any signal.
I went an alternate rought and tried to close both relays for channel k16 and channel k0. Again, i am having no luck with the closing of channel k16. If anyone can make out what i am doing wrong, i would greatly appriciate it.
I have attached a screen shot of the section of my VI that controls which relays should be closed. It indexes an array that includes all the channels from slot 3 and slot 4.
The array that i am indexing is here.
I couldn't get the whole thing but Slot 4 is alligned the same as slot 3
Channel 16 = pxi1slot4/k16
Channel 17 = pxi1slot4/k17
Channel 18 = pxi1slot4/k18