I have an old application that still uses some NI-DMM resource names with "Traditional DAQ device number" syntax: DAQ::Traditional NI-DAQ device number[::INSTR]
After recently upgrading to Win10 and current versions of DAQmx, IVI, and NI-DMM, I now get an error in initialization:
Error -1074118656 occurred at niDMM Initialize.vi
Possible reason(s):
Error: (Hex 0xBFFA4000) ERROR: Device was not recognized. The device is not supported with this driver or version.)
I suspect the problem may be the use of the old syntax, but looking at the NI Digital Multimeters Help for the niDMM Initialize VI (I'm using LabVIEW), it states:
Instrument Descriptor contains the resource name of the device to initialize.
The resource name is assigned in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX). Refer to Related Documentation for the NI Digital Multimeters Getting Started Guide for more information about configuring and testing the DMM in MAX. Valid Syntax:
- NI-DAQmx name
- DAQ::NI-DAQmx name[::INSTR]
- DAQ::Traditional NI-DAQ device number[::INSTR]
- IVI logical name
Can anyone confirm for me that this is the problem and that the documentation is wrong? Is there a document or readme somewhere that describes this change in functionality? Is this not really the problem?