I have installed NI-VISA 16 and PyVISA on CentOS 7 to ultimately try to control a Keithley 2410 SMU via python. The installations of both NI-VISA 16 and PyVISA seemed to be successful but when I tried to do a quick test in a python interactive shell I see the following:
>>> import visa
>>> rm = visa.ResourceManager()
libnipalu.so failed to initialize
Perhaps you need to run updateNIDrivers
Aborted (core dumped)
Furthermore, when I tried to then update the NI drivers, as suggested, that also failed with the following error:
nikal: ERROR: Error locating kernel sources for the requested kernel version (3.10.0-514.6.1.el7.x86_64).
It was suggested on another forum that NI-VISA 16 may not work on the CentOS version I am running (1611). Could someone confirm if this is the case and, if so, provide instructions on how to cleanly uninstall NI-VISA on Linux? I cannot find any documentation whatsoever on how to uninstall N-VISA on Linux.