I've been trying to control a Novocontrol Alpha A Analyzer by using a GPIB USB-HS and a matlab code. I had no problem connecting the device and using simple commands like *IDN? or the ones to change the parameters and to start the measurement. Unfortunately I can't use the TestSRQ and read status commands without getting an unknown command error. I did try to find a working command by using an automatic measurement program provided by novocontrol, the Visa Test Panel and the NI-I/O-Trace. I could not reproduce the command though.
Any help would be appreciated.
Ni 488.2 version 14.0
Matlab R2016a
Result of the I/O Trace when i used the VISA Test Panel read status byte function.
viReadSTB (GPIB0::10::INSTR (0x02971E58), 0)
Prozess-ID: 0x00001078 Thread-ID: 0x0000145C
Startzeitpunkt: 13:22:04.147 Aufrufdauer 00:00:00.002
Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)