Hi all, I'm trying to communicate with a machine that uses serial, connect to it through this USB/serial converter. I'm running Windows 10, I have LabVIEW 2015 SP1 32 bit, and NI MAX v15.3. I've installed the drivers that came with the USB/Serial converter. I've updated all the things I can in the NI update service. The USB/Serial shows up in my device manager as COM3.
I've communicated with the machine with this USB/Serial converter on this computer, using Python, so I know it works, the machine works, and I can communicate with it on this machine. However, getting it to work with MAX/LV is giving me a lot of trouble.
With it plugged in, when I go to MAX, under "devices and interfaces", there's a VISA error:
0xBFFF003A (VI_ERROR_INV_SETUP) viFindRsrc returned 0xBFFF003A (Unable to start operation because setup is invalid (due to attributes being set to an inconsistent state).) Please make sure VISA is properly installed on this system. Possible causes for this error: 1. More than one Passport may be attempting to claim the same resource. You can try disabling Passports to figure out which Passport is causing the error. 2. You have connected multiple unconfigured plug-and-play devices that have the same resource name. For example, the vendor ID and serial number may be the same.
By default, all my passports were enabled. If I uncheck the serial one (NiViAsrl.dll), and restart MAX, the error goes away but nothing shows up under devices and interfaces.
If I put that one back and instead disable the USB passport, now it shows up under D&I as ASRL3::INSTR "COM3". However, when I try communicating with it in the VISA test panel, I just get timeout errors. Likewise if I try with a simple LV VI.
If I only disable the PXI passport, ASRL3::INSTR also shows up, but I still can't communicate with it. Likewise with the Tulip passport.
What's going on? I know I'm 90% of the way there because I've actually communicated with the machine on this PC, but for some reason MAX doesn't want to play with it. The termination character for this machine is \r, carriage return, which I've tried setting in MAX, and my LV VI, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
What can I do?