I am using a usb-to-serial driver interface to a custom device. I have written some vi's that do a visa-open to the device, sends a query, retrieves the response, then does a visa-close of the device. This code was developed using LabView 2012. When I run this code on a Windows 7 - 32bit machine everything works fine. I power up the device, launch the VI, get the results, then power down the device. I can repeat this sequence indefinately.
When I go thru the same sequence, with the identical code on a Windows 7 - 64bit machine this same sequence works fine the first time. When I do it a second time I get the following error on the visa-open command: -1073807343 (0xBFFF 0011), "insufficient location information or device resource is not present in your system". I continue to get that error, until I restart my Windows 7 machine. Then it works the first time again and fails everytime there after.