Hi everyone,
I'm using the 3458A DMM with labview to measure DC voltage. I'm performin the MATH PFAIL to check if any reading exceeds the limits. In case that happens I would like to perform a certain function. Now in order to check if the limits were exceeded, I'm trying to read the status register byte and check if bit #1 is set (Hi or Low Limit Exceeded). The problem that I'm facing is that the values are being returned as the weighted sum of all set bits, how can I determine which are set? is there a lookup table or something similar?
Also up tell now the values that I'm getting doesn't make any sense. I'm suspecting that there is a problem with the way I'm trying to read the register, but I've tried both the visa read STB function and sending "STB?" with a visa write and reading the returned value with a visa read, both didn't work as expected.
My VI is below, the TEST subVI is only performing the MATH PFAIL test inside the while loop.
Thank you for your help