I am getting errors when communicating via the instrument control toolbox from Maltab (2013b) to a Rohde & Schwarz Signal Generator (SMIQ) at gpib adress 28. I used just the basic commands for generating and connecting to a visa object in Matlab.
And when performing fopen(visa-object) I see several errors (attached picture) in the NI IO Trace tool, which I dont understand.
What does error 0xBFFF0026 mean?
What is the feature VXI_SIGP ?
Could it be that i am using the wrong settings (timings?) for the GPIB / Ethernet adapter (GPIB-ENET/1000) in NI MAX? A screenshot of the settings is attached.
These errors happens several times (but communication with the smiq works), then Matlab crashes. Do you have any idea, why this happens?
I am in contact with the Matlab support, but this could also be an NI driver problem, I think.
I am using the latest VISA and GPIB driver suite version 15.1.
Thank you in advance!