Firstly, apologies if this is discussed elsewhere, but I haven't been able to find it.
I used to have a load of Excel macros that would control and read data from equipment over GPIB. However, for some reason this has stopped working since a recent update to NI-VISA 15.0. I tried downloading NI-VISA 3.0 but it would not install, I guess on the basis that a later version is already on the pc, or maybe because I'm on Windows 10.
I have added references to VISA.COM 5.5 and VISA COM 488.2 Formatted I/O 5.5. Now when I try to run the macro, I get the response "User-type not defined" to the line:
Public defaultRM As ViSession
If this is no longer supported, I think that it's a shame as it was very useful being able to get data straight into Excel from a spectrum analyser using single Ctrl+key-press.
Thanks for any help.