I have two questions:
1. After installing an exe on a non-developer (i.e. no labview) machine with multiple runtime engines previously installed, is it possible to easily identify which run time engine(s) is being used? Will the exe always use the latest version of the RT engine, providing it matches or predates the LabVIEW version used to build the exe?
2. Also are there known issues with VISA control for runtime engine 2010 vs 2013? I installed and exe built using 2013 labview and created installer with 2013 RT engine on a non-LabVIEW PC to control a cryogenic bath. The VI worked perfectly on the development PC and it started off good using the exe on the non-Labview PC. However, after 1 - 3 hrs the communication would be lost with bath. The timing of the fault was not consistent, but there was obviously a VISA error. However, when I build using labview 2010 with RT 2010 embeded in the installer, I seem to have no trouble. I have tried installing the VISA run-time 5.2 with 2013 and no success.