We bought a Lecroy WaveRunner 64MXI-A and tried to control it remotely, we already created a Visa Resource using MAX, tested it using the VISA test panel and everything seemed ok, we queried without problem.
The problem came when we downloaded and installed the ivi driver from lecroy http://teledynelecroy.com/support/softwaredownload/labview.aspx, we added the references like the documentation said and initialized it in this way using c#.
ILeCroyScope mylec = new LeCroyScopeClass();
mylec.Initialize("TCPIP0::LCRY0621N67647::inst0::INSTR", false, false, "Simulate = false");
it throws the following exceptionSystem.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED).
that exception isn't thrown when we set simulate = true. And we already tested it using a simple message based session, but no luck with the ivi driver.
Has anyone encountered this problem and found a solution? any help is helpful, thanks.
PD: I already contacted lecroy but no answer atm, so i am looking for advice here.