Hey guys,
I kind of ran into a weird issue recently (which I'm not sure, is one of the known issues) while trying to communicate to a USB device using LabVIEW. The issue is something like this.
When I connect the USB device to my PC, I can see the device getting listed in the NI MAX (after i refresh it). Then I have a LabVIEW code, a simple one to open a VISA reference and then close the reference. What I'm doing is that after I open the reference, I pause the program by adding a breakpoint. When the program is paused after opening the reference, I try to disconnect the USB cable and reconnect it and then resume the execution of the program which now runs the Close VISA reference VI. This vi now removes the device from the NI MAX listing (I am guessing that this is happening because the session id expires when the disconnection of the cable happens). Now the problem is that no matter what I do, I'm not able to get the device listed in NI MAX after this unless I physically disconnect the USB cable and reconnect it. The weird part is that the Windows Device manager is able to list the USB device without any issues when ever the device stays connected and it is only the NI MAX which is not being able to detect it.
Is there something that I'm missing here? I would be glad if you could kinldy provide your valuable inputs.