Hi, I am kind of new to LabVIEW and I have been working on a code for an agilent oscilloscope to communicate via GPIB and so far this runs smoothly on gathering both analog channels one by one, "Not simoultaneously" but it does the trick (vpp,vrms, frequency...etc.). I added feature to add waveform data to a .csv file (Problem: a dialog box opens before user gathers all data. Solution: I want the user to save the .CSV file whenever he wants to for future reference on front panel). I added another feature to get a snapshot of the waveform graph (Problem: a dialog box opens. Solution: I want the user to save the JPEG file whenever he wants to take a snapshot ("take snapshot" button on front panel)). I am working with hp54645d agilent driver. I have attached my code, if someone can please tell me how I need to do this (maybe wiring and structures are solutions don't know). Thank You in Advance.